Sustainable Communities

It all begins with an idea. Getting together with neighbors. The nature that is around all of us is also a part of what makes us human. When we connect with each other, whether on a volunteer gardening event, to support a local initiative or organization, or just to chip in when our neighbor is in need, these connections strengthen our communities and the ecosystems we are a part of.

Streets, medians, triangles, and easements are collective spaces that are a distinct part of our neighborhood. Creating aesthetic and helpful natural surroundings brings the best of our world out in each of us.

We work together to make our community sustainable. We use the natural surroundings of Mount Washington as the place for us to come collectively together. We sustain the community through these connections we share.

Interested in joining us in these endeavors? See where we will be next weekend and join us and the Sunday gardening volunteer group.


Watershed Protection


Carbon Zero