MWPT Awarded $30K PCDA Grant for the Arboretum

MWPT was awarded a $30,000 grant from the Pimlico Community Development Authority as an effort to update and renovate a learning pavilion structure at the Arboretum, among other goals. See here for the full announcement of the FY20 awards.

This project seeks to beautify, renovate, and repair the four main components of the Arboretum’s physical structures:  1) The entrance gate (completed!); 2) The educational & event pavilion; 3) memorial benches and seating; and 4) Signage. Beyond structural repair, this project also seeks to activate community engagement and increase the visibility of the arboretum. 

The beautiful and serene nature of the arboretum and community garden event spaces are long overdue for the chance to be better utilized. At present, few events are held in the arboretum because of disrepair as well as the lack of a modern way to promote the space. This project would upgrade the communication capabilities of the MWPT to foster connectivity with the entire Baltimore City community and broader enjoyment of the space. The newly constructed Jones Falls bike trail runs directly parallel to the arboretum thus creating an opportunity to showcase our fun, safe and inclusive community. 

Coupling repairs & renovations with a community engagement plan is a strategic way to increase the number of people interacting with the MWPT & its arboretum which in turn widens the pool of volunteers and potential future board members, generates funding, and strengthens the ability of this organization to operate programming and maintain conservation easements in perpetuity.

To date, MWPT has used the grant funds to purchase and install new permanent seating in the arboretum and developed new signs, soon to be printed and installed.

For more information about PCDA funding opportunities, read more here.


…and the award goes to… Mike Sherlock and Maria Leasca!


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